Escort of the Delegation

Escort of the Delegation

You are flying with partners or colleagues to a city abroad and you need a local interpreter to accompany you from the hotel or directly from the arrival airport.

When Russian delegations travel abroad, the choice of translator largely depends on the level and composition of the delegation, the intended program and purposes of the trip.

In any case, it is assumed that the translator already has experience in successful business translation for delegations of this level. The best person for this role is a professional translator who is familiar with the topics that are planned to be discussed, as well as familiar with local realities.

This does not necessarily have to be a simultaneous interpreter, since the translation will mostly have to be done sequentially.

Translation for a delegation is especially responsible. The translator will not only translate, but will also be almost constantly with the delegation throughout the entire time of its stay in the country. Therefore, good physical fitness and willingness to work 15-16 hours a day play an important role.

An active and sociable person of young or middle age is better suited for this role, who, in addition to translating official meetings and visits, will always willingly help not only the head of the delegation, but also any of its members outside the official program to resolve any everyday issues in the hotel, etc. P.

This can be either a foreign translator for whom Russian is not a native language, or a native of the former Soviet Union. In many countries (for example, England, Germany or the USA), many of our former compatriots live, including professional translators.

The choice is yours! Choose the translator with whom you will feel most comfortable on your trip abroad.

English<>Russian & Russian<>English translations