New York

New York

Wall Street and Financial Center New York Walking and Boat Tour  , 4 hours / $275

+1 917 584 02340 WhatsApp

We will visit the Customs and Treasury, the steps where Washington prayed and took the oath, 
Fraunces Tavern, still open, the New York Exchange, Paul’s Church, where Washington had his box, the tomb of the first Treasurer Hamilton, Raging Bull, Ft. Clinton, Brow, Broad Street, Indian Museum, and much more.

Wall Street is the name of a small narrow street in the lower part of Manhattan in New York City, 
leading from Broadway to the coast of the East River. Considered the historical center of the city’s Financial District. 
The main attraction of the street is the New York Stock Exchange. In a figurative sense, this is the name for both the exchange itself and the entire US stock market as a whole. The financial district itself is sometimes also called Wall Street.

During the years of Soviet power, the name of the street was a common noun in an openly expressed negative sense and was used as a synonym for US foreign policy.

Next door to the New York Stock Exchange, at 1 Wall Street, is the office of BNY Mellon, 
the successor to the oldest bank in the United States, founded in 1784 by Alexander Hamilton, Bank of New York. 
Other landmarks on the street include Federal Hall, where the first ever inauguration of a US President took place in 1789.

Most of New York’s major financial institutions no longer have their headquarters on Wall Street, having moved to other areas of lower and mid-Manhattan, Connecticut or New Jersey. 
So one of the financial mastodons that had an office on this street, JPMorgan Chase, sold its building on Wall Street to the German bank Deutsche Bank in November 2001.

View of Wall Street at the corner of Broadway. 1867

The crowd discusses the stock market crash. 1929

The name of the street comes from the city wall, which in the 17th century was the northern border of the Dutch city of 
New Amsterdam (one of the first names of New York). In the 1640s, a stockade and plank fence fenced off the inhabitants of the colony.
Later, by order of the West India Company, the governor of the Dutch colony, Peter Stuyvesant, used slave labor to build a stronger stockade. By the time of the war with England, the fortified 12-foot (approx. 4 m) wall of wood and 
earth was strengthened by palisades created in 1653. 
The built wall protected the settlers from attacks by Indian tribes, New England colonists and the British army.
In 1685, residents built a road along the wall, which they named Wall Street, which literally means “street of the wall.” 
In 1699, the wall was destroyed by the British.

В конце XVIII века в начале улицы росло дерево платан,
возле которого продавцы и спекулянты торговали ценными бумагами. 
В 1792 году они решили закрепить свою ассоциацию «Платановым Соглашением» (англ. Buttonwood Agreement). 
Это и стало началом Нью-Йоркской фондовой биржи.

В 1889 году биржевой отчёт «Customers' Afternoon Letter» 
стал именоваться The Wall Street Journal, 
получив своё название от улицы. 
В настоящий момент это влиятельная ежедневная деловая газета выходит в городе Нью-Йорке.
 Владеет газетой компания Dow Jones & Company.

 Мы также предлагаем много недорогих пешеходных, автомобильных, велосипедных, вертолетных, и на кайаках экскурсий по 
Нью Йорку и всей Америке. 
 Мы работаем с семьями с детишками, с группами туристов 
и бизнесменов, и с делегациями. 
 Часто в группах бывают русско-говорящие и англо-говорящие туристы. Мы работаем со всеми.

+1 917 584 02340 WhatsApp

Russian Guide to New York
Misha Besse