Telephone Conversation Translation

Telephone Conversation Translation

As communication means improve and the quality of communication lines improves, telephone translation is becoming an increasingly popular translation service. On our website Clients do not need to register!

Suppose you are traveling to a foreign city and you are going to have a telephone conversation (for example, from a hotel, a meeting room in a business center, a cafe, etc.). And accordingly, you need a local translator.

What should you consider when selecting an interpreter for interpreting telephone conversations? Firstly, modern means of communication allow remote telephone transfer. To do this, you can use teleconference mode with simultaneous dialing of several subscribers to a specific number. In this case, all three (subscriber 1, subscriber 2 and interpreter) can be at three different points. The total cost of communication services for the hour-long duration of such remote conversations can be quite high.

Another option is a regular speakerphone on some modern landline telephone, modern mobile phone or smartphone. In this case, the interpreter is next to the caller, interprets alternately in both directions, asks again if necessary, etc. Basic requirements for an interpreter when translating telephone conversations:

  • understanding of the subject and knowledge of relevant terminology; ability to understand foreign speech well by ear;
  • the ability to quickly translate what is heard in both directions (preferably in simple and understandable ways);
  • clear diction and good pronunciation in a foreign language.

Both simultaneous and consecutive interpreters are suitable for interpreting telephone conversations. It all depends on the specific situation and how to organize the translation process itself. It is advisable to discuss in advance with the translator how and what he should translate, and inform him of the topic and purpose of the telephone call. This will allow him to translate more meaningfully.

In any case, you should take a serious approach to selecting an interpreter for interpreting telephone conversations. This must be a strong translator, capable of understanding and correctly conveying the meaning of what was said at the other end of the line, even in conditions of poor hearing and fragments of phrases.

When a translator is specifically asked to arrive at an appointed time at an office, hotel or business center to interpret a telephone conversation, it must be taken into account that the called subscriber may not be there (he may be called to an urgent meeting, etc.). In this case, the scheduled telephone conversations will not take place. To avoid such costs, it is advisable to clearly agree in advance with the subscriber on the time of the call and the approximate duration of the conversation. It is also necessary to take into account that if the translation is not simultaneous, but sequential, then it is necessary to allocate more time.

English<>Russian & Russian<>English translations