Translation Interview
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You are flying abroad, and the visit program includes interviews with the media: you cannot do without a qualified translator.
Much also depends on how the interview is organized. Various options are possible:
1. A live translator translates not only the questions asked to you, but also your answers. All this is recorded by the interviewer on a dictaphone and after some time it is broadcast in full or in an abbreviated version.
In this case, increased requirements are placed on the translator’s qualifications. To a certain extent, this is even more difficult than simultaneous translation. The most successful translation of an interview “live” will be handled by a highly qualified consecutive translator who is able to memorize large chunks of text and, preferably, is proficient in translation cursive writing.
It will be a little more difficult for a simultaneous interpreter, since he will have to translate sequentially. And not all synchronized swimmers can do this.
2. The interview is broadcast live or (which is almost the same thing) recorded immediately for broadcast. In this case, there are a lot of restrictions for the translator, complicating his already difficult work. Interviewers will tell the translator where he should stand (in order to get or, conversely, not to get into the frame), at what time intervals he can pronounce the translation text, at what volume, etc.
3. The simplest option, but less common: a translator invited and paid by you translates the questions for you one by one. You answer each question separately. The questions along with your answers are recorded on a voice recorder. And a few days later they send you a transcript of the interview translated into a foreign language for approval in the form in which it is supposed to be published in some foreign publication. you order this or another translator to translate the text of the interview into Russian and, if necessary, make adjustments to it.
In any case, it is advisable to inform the translator in advance about the format in which the interview will take place, so that he can realistically assess his strengths and capabilities. Of course, other things being equal, preference should be given to a translator who already has experience translating interviews. Fluency in speaking a foreign language, clarity of pronunciation, and partly the external characteristics of the translator are of great importance.
Translation of an interview will be more successful if the translator is familiarized with the questions in advance and also discussed with him how to correctly translate key concepts, job titles and organizations mentioned in the interview.
English<>Russian & Russian<>English translation