Protocol Translation

Protocol Translation

Diplomatic or protocol translation has much in common with translation in negotiations. The only difference is that in this case the meetings are of a more official, protocol nature. Accordingly, in addition to the quality of the translation, it is important that the translator observe and take into account a number of formal rules related to diplomatic and business etiquette, including a formal business suit, tie, etc.

The translator has no right to disclose any internal information that becomes known to him as a result of preparing for and participating in such an official meeting as a translator.

At protocol meetings, the seating arrangement is strictly regulated, including the position of the interpreter. Usually the translator sits to the right or left of the head of the delegation with which he came. But there are also exceptions.

It is important that during the introduction and during the meeting the interpreter correctly names all names, positions, titles and names of institutions. To avoid unpleasant incidents, it is better to instruct the translator in advance, orienting him by names, positions and concepts that may cause additional difficulties during translation.

Contrary to the long-proclaimed principle in the West, “Translate only into your native language,” in diplomatic or protocol translation everything is exactly the opposite. That is, when the head of the Russian delegation speaks, he is usually translated by “his” Russian translator into a foreign language (for example, English or German). And when the leader of a foreign delegation takes the floor, “his” translator also translates it, usually into Russian, a language that is not his native language.

It is believed that “their” translator knows the essence of the issue in more detail, has the necessary background information and – most importantly! – will not allow ideological distortions when conveying the thoughts of his boss in a foreign language, he will convey everything “as needed.” And the minor roughnesses of the style are not of great importance.

In addition, you can always strictly ask your translator for inaccurate or incomplete translation. It’s easier to correct him or even prompt him if he has difficulty translating some subtleties. And this will not be a violation of diplomatic protocol or business etiquette.

English<>Russian & Russian<>English translations