Escort of Individuals

Escort of Individuals

You are traveling abroad and need an interpreter to accompany you, starting from the airport or hotel.

Much depends on the program and purpose of the trip. Since individual support is provided, in addition to translation qualifications, personal compatibility between the individual business tourist and the accompanying translator is important.

When choosing a translator, much depends on the intended program. How exactly this translator will suit you on a private trip abroad can be determined by the resume and the translation topics specified by the translator. Sometimes additional clarifying questions may be needed.

If you are going to visit shops, restaurants, beaches, beauty salons or other places of recreation and entertainment, then the translator must be sociable and well-versed in shops, restaurants, and other hot spots. Guides-translators usually have such information, since they initially specialize in showing guests places that must be visited. If you are going to visit sports facilities or a hippodrome, then your best choice will be a translator who is interested in the same sports as you and is able to provide some additional information in addition to translation. If the translator indicated in his resume that he translates “Sports,” then perhaps this is just the translator you need.

If your individual program involves mainly visiting museums, then it is better to choose a translator or translator who is interested in history, art, technology and is able to act not only as an ordinary translator, but also as a guide to the most interesting places of interest. For a trip of such a thematic focus, again, it is better not just a translator, but a local guide-interpreter or a translator who has indicated “Art” as one of the topics he translates.

In any case, it is important to decide in advance and discuss with the translator his work schedule: should he accompany you 24 hours a day, minus time for sleep and rest, or do you plan to use the services of an interpreter only occasionally for several hours a day (for example, for translation important business meetings or excursions to places of interest).

English<>Russian & Russian<>English translations