Translation at the Exhibition
You are traveling to a foreign exhibition as a professional visitor and would like to use the services of a local interpreter.
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A trip to an international specialized exhibition abroad is always a special event. To make your visit to the exhibition as effective as possible, it is important to overcome the language barrier and find a common language for business communication. An experienced translator will help you with this. Translation at the exhibition has its own specifics and is not similar to any other type of translation; Therefore, to accompany an individual specialist or a group of specialists when they visit an industry exhibition, it is better to choose a translator who has:
- knowledge of relevant terminology in two languages;
- good two-way oral translation skills;
- loud voice and clear diction;
- the ability to grasp and translate the main thing, despite the mass of distracting and interfering factors;
- the ability to quickly adapt in an unusual environment;
- communication skills and the ability to win over an unfamiliar interlocutor;
- increased mobility and physical endurance.
An additional advantage for a translator will be knowledge of not one, but several foreign languages. Let’s say, not only German, but also English, if we are talking about visiting an exhibition in Germany. After all, among the exhibition participants there may be those who do not speak German well enough.
Translation at an exhibition is a public type of translation, so the external characteristics of the translator also play an important role.
In practice, they often order one translator for the entire duration of their stay in the country. As a rule, any experienced professional translator is able to provide, in addition to on-exhibition translation, translation of business visits and meetings outside the exhibition, as well as translation of cultural programs. The main thing is to discuss this with him in advance so that the translator can prepare, tune in and correctly calculate his strength.
Another thing is when you participate in an exhibition abroad, you have a stand, and you need 1-2 local translators for employees working at the stand.
When working at an exhibition stand, in addition to purely translation skills, the translator is required to have discipline, communication skills, and physical endurance. During all days of the exhibition, he must be calm and friendly, willing to help overcome the language barrier when communicating between exhibitors and visitors to the stand, as well as between the exhibition administration and the stand staff.
It is advisable to provide the translator (or translators) with promotional and informational materials that are expected to be used and discussed during the exhibition in advance for review, so that he can further prepare and clarify the translation of the required terminology. The translation will be more successful if from the very beginning the translator is clearly oriented regarding the scope of his duties and, if possible, informs him in advance about the time of the most important business meetings and presentations that are scheduled at the stand.
English<>Russian & Russian<>English translation Translators